Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Active Lifestyles

Wednesday, July 18th, 2007

I’ve probably done a whole lot more running around in the past month than I have in a good while. I suppose that it can’t entirely be a bad thing to get out more and move around. The only real concern I have with it is that I need to make sure I keep my body filled with energy when I decide to go running around. A higher degree of discipline is needed to ensure that I continually stuff food into my system, even if I’m not hungry, so that I don’t end up getting exhausted.

One thing in particular that I’ve had a difficult time doing lately is trying to get back into reading. I’ve had a couple of books that I’d like to read that are just largely sitting around gathering dust. I’ll have to make sure I find time eventually to go through them. I used to enjoy reading a lot, but I think ever since I started working, I’ve largely stayed away from leisurely reading. It seems like the only thing I read nowandays are boring technical manuals. Reading is just one of those things that shouldn’t be such a chore all the time.

Glimpse Ahead

Saturday, July 14th, 2007

After plowing full steam ahead for a while, I’ve finally managed to find some time to slow down and reflect a little bit over what has happened recently. I am in an interesting place; one that I do not think I have really been in for a very long time. While I think the physical body has suffered (but survived) lately, I think that my overall mental and spiritual health are in a very good state.

There are still many things that need to get done at work, but compared to recent events, they are not anywhere near the same level of scale as my previous project. I am sure that I can go ahead and get those hammered out eventually. I will be taking on additional responsibility in the future though, so perhaps my thoughts on things will change.

I am still waiting for my harp to arrive. I believe that it will come either closer to the end of this upcoming week, or the week after at the latest. I still need to buy some training materials and other things, but I will hopefully be able to get those ordered soon before the harp arrives.  I did already get a basic book on music theory, so I will have to try and read some of that as time permits.

Burning candles

Wednesday, July 11th, 2007

Lately I’ve been burning the candle on both ends. Staying up late, and going to bed early. Today was probably the first “normal” day that I’ve had in a while; and, of course, I completely passed out to make up for lost rest once I managed to get home. I have to say, it has been a rather hectic past couple of weeks. I seemed to have survived the hardest portions though, so things should be better from here on out.

I’ve been doing a lot more physically active activities of late. I’m really surprised that my body is not more sore than it is. I’ve been trying to implement the one-day rest rule, but I’ve definitely been pushing it lately. It’s probably for the better though, as it is a good test to see what kind of abuse I can sustain before I actually need to stop and recover. Regardless, it is all in good fun.

There will probably be some sporadic problems at work in the new building, but most things are in fair shape. I’m mostly just glad it is over with and I can work towards stability and reliability again.


Monday, June 18th, 2007

Lately I’ve been researching a particular instrument: the harp. If nothing else, I’ve learned that instruments can be rather expensive. I’ve given it a lot of thought over the past couple of days and have decided that I want to persue trying to learn how to play the harp. I don’t think that it will be particularly easy for me. Apparently, the harp can potentially get rather complicated to even play. Plus, there is that whole thing about me not knowing anything regarding music theory. As they say though, if there is the will, there is a way…

I haven’t done it yet, but I think I am pretty close to making up my mind. There are some logistical problems that I have yet to determine which may still affect my overall decision. Afterall, there are plenty of other instruments out there, and some may be easier to not only purchase and play, but to maintain as well. The harp is a complicated beast. Given that it is made of wood and not metal, there are environmental concerns; especially given the high temperatures in the area that I live in.  I will probably need to ask someone whether it is feasible for me to store something like this without damaging the instrument. The thing will already cost a pretty penny, so I would rather not see the thing get hosed too quickly. Hopefully, I’ll find the answer to this soon. Until then, I still need to find a book on beginners music theory or something…

The finer things in Life

Tuesday, June 5th, 2007

Music is one of those things in life I rarely have time for. It’s not so much that I can’t appreciate music, but more the fact that my life keeps me moving and doesn’t allow me to tune out the world on a frequent basis. It is somewhat unfortunate that I never learned an instrument when I was younger. Granted, my parents probably could not afford to have me take music lessons; nor was I necessarily inclined to want to play music. However, being able to look back, it probably would not have been such a bad thing to have learned how to play an instrument of some sort.

I think one of the problems with music and sound is that it is so hard to describe. It is something to be heard. I probably don’t have a single musical bone in my body, but I wonder if it is too late for me to do something. While it would be pretty cool to be able to play a piano, I am afraid I might be too old to pick up something that complicated. If I end up having kids, I wonder if I should try and nudge them towards trying an instrument. It probably wouldn’t hurt them. Hrm… maybe it is too early to give up on myself. I am sure I could try something if I was motivated enough to pursue it. A piano is so expensive though… maybe I would start with something more affordable. Either ways, I have to remember I am not so old yet that I can’t still change.


Tuesday, June 5th, 2007

I’ve gone through a surprising amount of anime the past month. For a while, not even Netflix was coming in fast enough to satiate the hunger and I ended up buying a couple of series to watch while I waited. I’ve gone through all of Love Hina, Vandread, Burst Angel, Samurai 7, and Esca Flowne since wrapping up Berserk (which must be close to at least 50 hours of anime). I think I am at a sufficient point to hold off on the craziness for a while. There is still more in the pipeline, but they can wait until after things settle down at work.

It’s my hope that in about six weeks, things will be sufficiently calm enough for me to start enjoying life again. Of course, maybe I am just dreaming. There will always be more work…

April showers bring…

Tuesday, May 15th, 2007

May flowers.

How I hate having allergies sometimes. This whole month has been nothing but a breathing irritant. To help combat this, I’ve done what I could to remain mostly indoors, but hopefully by June it will be safe to venture outside again. Although, I guess by then it will be too hot to want to go outside anyways.

I can’t say there has been all that much going on lately. Work has been busy but fairly steady, but I have a feeling things will go into mass panic in another few weeks. I really haven’t had much time to myself lately either. It seems like I’m always trying to squeeze stuff into the day, but the days are just not long enough for me to do everything. Sometimes it makes me wonder if there is too much stuff I have to do or if I’m just not being efficient enough with what time I do have.


Wednesday, May 2nd, 2007

Recently, I’ve spent a fair amount of time watching a couple of anime series. I ended up watching all of Berserk. It was sad to know that the ending left a lot of questions and that there would be no more in the future. Instead, I went ahead and perused the latter events as they were depicted in the manga. I have a feeling that this happens a lot with anime series. They plan a product, and after a while they run out of money and things end up feeling rushed or unsettled. It’s kind of a bummer that this is how it ends up being sometimes. I guess closure is sometimes too much to ask for.

I have a few more queued up, and hopefully those end up being decent.


Thursday, April 12th, 2007

I’ve been working like a dog all week. Granted, I’ve been slaving away for the past few weeks already, so this is not something that is really new. There is no way I can do this sort of thing when I have a family, so I guess it is a good thing I am still single right now. My basic fear is that I still don’t know quite when I am going to come crashing down. How much longer can I last before I need to at least take a break?

Inner struggle

Sunday, April 8th, 2007

So while, physically, I have recently been taking better of myself, during the quieter moments in life, I am reminded that my mind is still a mess. There is simply too many things that I haven’t had time to figure out yet. Work-life balance, I tell myself; it’s so much easier to say than it is to do though. I’m sure there are lots of people in the same boat, so I’m sure this situation is not unique.

Sometimes I think I’m being too hard on myself. In some ways though, it drives me. You can’t really push someone if they don’t want to be pushed. They have to push themselves. My own deficiencies, whether real or perceived within my own mind, is what urges me to try and better my predicament.

I definitely don’t like failing, but the more sensible side of me know it is the only way to learn. Usually, when I initially fail, I re-double my efforts. If I fail yet again, that’s when I stop and take a step back to re-think the situation. Banging my head against a wall repeatedly has never been my style. Staying adaptable is one of our greatest strengths. Yet, I still feel like a broken record sometimes — doomed to repeat myself.