Minor Event

October 30th, 2007

Earthquake today. It was pretty weak though. Not strong enough to make me leave my chair and stop playing TF2. Probably only a 4 or a 5. Don’t think it affected any of my servers at work, so there isn’t anything to be concerned with.

Competition Play

October 24th, 2007

So, we’ve essentially had a scrimmage on Monday (8 on 8) and a random, smaller scrimmage on Tuesday (6 on 6). The good news is that we won on Monday. We ended up with a draw on Tuesday. There was definitely some differences between the two days, and I believe we’ve managed to learn a few things. Overall though, we are having fun and basically trying to get things to mesh still. I’m sure there will be some growing pains, but eventually we will get some good team coordination going once people start getting into the flow of things.

It is somewhat brutal to basically have to reserve a good portion of my Monday and Tuesday evenings for league play though. I will have to figure out a way to rest well and eat during the days where we have to play. Otherwise, it’s going to be bad news all around since I don’t generally play well when I am tired and hungry. I’m going to have to explore ways to discipline my schedule again. I’ve been going to bed way too late recently.

It is a little bit disconcerting, but I am starting to run out of anime to watch. I’ll probably have to build up another queue on Netflix to watch the stuff I won’t necessarily buy yet.

Protected: Of Bindings

October 17th, 2007

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Real Quick Note

October 17th, 2007

Happy Birthday!

(You know who you are.)

Protected: Of Ages Past

October 10th, 2007

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TeamFortress 2 (beta)

September 18th, 2007

I have done the impossible! I have uninstalled Counter-Strike… and replaced it with TeamFortress 2. It’s different, but still fun in its own way. Regardless, hopefully I can finally shed myself of CS. It’s been long enough; it’s time to move on.


September 15th, 2007

It seems that I have once again been binging myself on anime. I’ve already gone through Desert Punk, Rune Soldier, and Madlax. Before the weekend is over, I might be finished with Outlaw Star too. I have plenty more lined up after this, but I think I will have my fill soon enough. If nothing else, I think I have begun to embrace the excesses of my life. There are certainly worse things that I could be doing, and so even what I would consider an excess for myself might still be considered tame by many standards.

It is already mid-September, and the TeamFortress 2 beta starts soon. I have to wonder, will this be the game that steers me away from Counter-Strike? I can only hope that is that case. Even though they have radically changed the game, I still have nostalgic memories of the old days when I used to play QuakeWorld TF. While I am probably too busy these days for league play, I have high hopes that it will still be fun enough to entertain me. Now that the weather is cooling, I might have a reason to start using my computer again.

One thing that I will probably have to do soon is get a new pair of glasses. It’s been a long time, and my vision has deteriorated quite dramatically since the last time I went and got a new prescription. It’s such a mundane task, but one that I seem to have been too lazy to do. Alas, I know that I should go ahead and just get it taken care of. Sometimes, it truely is hard to motivate myself to do certain things even when they don’t require much effort on my part. Sometimes though, I think that it is not so bad that I choose to see the world as a blur instead of an object that is in focus.

Protected: Misgivings

August 28th, 2007

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A Sense of Normal

August 24th, 2007

Now that things are settling down, my days are starting to more stable again. I’ve once again started to feed the anime need. I’m basically queueing them up again and I’ll probably be hammering them down for a while until I’m satiated again. Life is relatively simple once more, and I am finding it easier to relax.

Looking ahead in the short term, I am basically only have a few simple goals. I need to eat healthier, eat more, continue exercising, and practice. At some point soon, I will also need to work on a certification as well, but I can probably put that off for at least a few weeks. Either ways, I’ll see how far I can get.


August 21st, 2007

I had a walk through of my future home-in-progress earlier this afternoon. It’s almost hard to imagine how it might look like once there are walls and furniture instead of just wood frames. Maybe part of the problem is that I had no original intention of furnishing the place. They are still a ways off from completion, but I hope to be in the new place either at the end of this year, or early next year. My spot is rather centrally located, so most of the important areas are actually relatively close from my entrance. I’ll probably be less ambivalent about this once I have to start packing my belongings and move in. For now, I’m sure the whole thing has yet to hit me.