Random musings

How quickly it seems that time flies. As time goes on, it seems that it is harder to get together with old friends. I sometimes catch myself wondering how simple it was to take for granted some of the things that used to happen all the time. It is a reminder that I must try and savor each moment for everything it is worth, because who knows when it will be until the next time it happens again — if ever!

I have always had a pretty good recollection of events, but I find it humorous how things get hazy over time. Past details become vague, until all that I really have is a memory of a memory. I wonder if it is a part of getting old, or if it is just our friend Time taking back what was his. Either ways, I’ve always enjoyed laughing at the irony of things, or just simply how humans behave at times.

Which does bring up a good point. How unfair is it that a man can do nothing but right for 364 days a year. However, for that one day in which he goes crazy and goofs for the year, it automatically nullifies everything before that point and his bad deed is all that is remembered? I think that this type of thing can be very common in today’s society, but it doesn’t seem to make it any more fair. We are humans after all, and humans are prone to making mistakes. Granted, some mistakes may be bigger than others, but I think that sometimes humans are too quick to judge harshly on their fellows. It has always been easier to hate than to love. Easier to destroy than to build.

Today was good. Busy, but good.

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