Source and destination

I found time today to take a brisk walk. Walking. It’s been so long since I’ve really walked any measurable distance. The last time I remember walking was probably at least a year ago in Santa Barbara with my best friend. How often does anyone walk anywhere anymore? It’s so odd that such a profound event so quickly loses its meaning and becomes a chore.

I think I should try to get out more. Maybe a quick trip around the block every so often when time allows it wouldn’t be such a bad thing. When did people get so lazy that we have to drive everywhere? I hated driving. Walking was always more fun when I was younger. Heck, I still hate super long drives.

I think maybe I need to slow things down a notch. A little bit of a time out everyday would do me some good. I waste too much time as it is in a day worrying about stupid stuff that has no real consequence anyhow (aka “work”). Well, lets try to rest and see what the new day brings…

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